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Pleural (Chest) Drainage Systems
The product, which has a collection capacity of 2000 ml has been produced as a mono-block body to cancel out the possibility of air bubbles.
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Product Detail
2 - Silicone Flouted Drain With Trocar and Bomb Reservoir
3 - Under Water Chest Drainage Bottle
4 - Flat Drain
5 - Hemovac Drain
6 - Silicone Penrose Drain
7 - T Drain
8 - Thorax Drain
9 - Yankauer Set
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Pleural (Chest) Drainage Systems
The product, which has a collection capacity of 2000 ml has been produced as a mono-block body to cancel out the possibility of air bubbles.
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4A Medical
Founded in 1997, Dört-A Tıp Malzemeleri Sanayi İth. Ihr. Tic. ltd. Şti., started its commercial life by producing Sterilization Reels with the brand name of 4A Medical.